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【ASHK】General Insurance Conference 2023


General Insurers are facing many changes which can be challenges or opportunities if grasped well. The conference has lined up a variety of high-profile speakers and General Insurance experts who will share some of their insights on a range of engaging and stimulating topics:

  • How emerging issues such as GBA development and ESG may affect General Insurers
  • How COVID has changed the General Insurance landscape
  • The impact of regulatory changes such as IFRS17 on General Insurers
  • Look at how some of the latest innovations and technological developments such as electric vehicles and telematics are affecting General Insurance

Attending the conference is not only an opportunity to gain a better understanding of these latest trends but also offers many opportunities to network with industry peers. 


有興趣參加者請於6月1日前至ASHK官網>Registration>login as guest,在Discount Code欄位輸入ASHKGI即享會員優惠價。

歡迎踴躍報名,如有任何問題請與 joannacheung@actuaries.org.hk 聯繫。

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